July 25, 2018 Cow Logging and Acoustic Metal

Today (the 24th really), I worked from home. And I created some stuff after work!

I did my daily YouTube post (some acoustic guitar metal lol)

And then I wrote a really odd JavaScript npm module: @zachlysobey/cow-log

It's essentially a logger function, but instead of executing with parens (()), its executed on backtick template strings.

cow.log`result: ${result}`

It has the added benefit of pretty-printing any objects posted into the little ${...}s

Oh ya, did I forget to say? There's cows!

( result: {                  )
(   "data": "my result data" )
( }                          )
        o   ^__^
         o  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

I got a kick out of writing this. Why?

For whatever reason, sometimes it feels good to write bad code.

Here's the full implementation:

from: https://github.com/zachlysobey/cow-log/blob/master/index.js

const cow = require('cowsay')

const objectToPrettyString = (o) => JSON.stringify(o, null, 2)

module.exports = {
    log(strings, ...objects) {
                text: strings
                        (outputs, str, i) => {
                            const hasObject = i < objects.length
                            return (str === '')
                                ? hasObject
                                    ? [...outputs, objectToPrettyString(objects[i])]
                                    : outputs
                                : hasObject
                                    ? [...outputs, str, objectToPrettyString(objects[i])]
                                    : [...outputs, str]